Sunday, September 27, 2009


10/2: Happy Update - Zoey has been claimed by her owner! Thanks, Jennifer & Dorey - for offering partial transport! And, the Upland girl has been rescued by our Southern CA group!

Our Southern California rescue folks are absolutely overwhelmed and some of shelters there have been bursting at the seams due to pets displaced by the wildfires. Since we have great homes waiting for the right dogs, two Southern California girls are being considered. Information is pending on the 5yo white female in Upland but here's a picture of a sweet and scared 7yo girl named Zoey.

Zoey is in San Diego. Would anyone be able to help with interim fostering/partial transport for her if she evaluates well? If she has major health issues, she may be a candidate for our hospice or compassion program.

Quick Updates!

  • Izzy's safe and going for a test drive today
  • Holly's been on a test drive for a week and is doing wonderfully!
  • Mochi from Hayward is extremely sweet; she's charming the socks off of our kennel staff
  • Nicky from Mendocino is a TOTAL goofball...he may be renamed Squeaky because he doesn't bark, he squeaks!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Bedridden Since Tuesday (9/22)...

For anyone who's emailed or called me, my apologies for not responding. I've been bedridden with a horrible flu and hope to be recovering soon. ~Suz

Friday, September 18, 2009

Mochi - A TLC Case

According to the shelter staff, Mochi (pronounced "mo chee") lives up to her name! This super sweet little girl was surrendered to the shelter as her skin issues could not be resolved. She'll be evaluated at the shelter tomorrow and likely to be sprung. If anyone's up for fostering a very affectionate girl that will likely need a special diet, please contact me. More information on her will be posted tomorrow.

Meet Nicky

Nicky is the dude from Mendocino County who's a major goofball. We think he's no older than a year as he's still full of puppy curiosity and exuberance. So far, he has not been reactive to the dogs walking around his kennel at his interim lodging. Nicky will arrive at our kennel on 9/20; stay tuned for more information on this very happy boy!