Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Fire At Bundocks

The house owned by Sharon Curry (of Bundocks) was destroyed by a fire Thanksgiving night. Sharon and her dogs are fine, but she lost her birds and all of her personal possessions. The kenneled dogs are fine as her house is set a distance away from the kennels. Running a busy kennel remains her first priority but she and her staff are toughing it out as they are running on generators and are without appliances. An emergency Sharon Curry Fire Fund has been established at the Sebastopol branch of Exchange Bank: 720 Gravenstein Hwy N, Sebastopol, CA 95472-2808 (707) 823-3800. A blog has also been set up so that friends and supporters can keep tabs on the latest Bundocks information and needs:   Sharon's heart is the size of Texas. She's a true animal lover who will never think twice about rescuing any animal in need. She's been known to pick up stray dogs and house them at her kennel until their owners are located. Without her help, we wouldn't be able to save the number of Bull Terriers that we do. It's no wonder that a caring community has banded together to help her get back on her feet. A reserve of doggie linens and bedding is always needed so I'll be starting a towel and blanket drive on Craigslist soon.

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